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The Jesuits in Jindřichův Hradec

 Opening of the exposition 23. 11. 2018 at 5 pm.

The exposition focuses on the history of the present seat of the Museum, the Jesuit College in Jindřichův Hradec - its founders and supporters, the Lords of Hradec and the significant personalities who were active there as teachers or students - such as Bohuslav Balbín, Jiří Josef Camel, František II. Rákóczi, Tomáš Pešina from Čechorod, the Jindřichův Hradec native Adam Václav Michna from Otradovice or Florian Paucke whose manuscript from his mission in Paraguay is held at the Zwettl monastery in Lower Austria. The author of the exposition concept is Luděk Jirásko PhD.

A thematic documentary film of the same title was made specifically for the exposition; scripted and directed by Zdeněk Gawlik M. A., camera by Pavel Kofroň, edited by Zdeněk Šlechta with the professional colloboration of Luděk Jirásko PhD and the production by Eva Florová PhD; the role of a Franciscan, Dominican and Jesuit was performed by Antonín Kaška M. A., and the commentary by Kamila Špráchalová.   

Special thanks go to all external collaborators (mentioned above) who participated on the realization of this exhibition project as well as the film and also to all the institutions that have enabled the acquisition of the documentation for this exhibition; the Museum of Jindřichův Hradec, the State Castle and Chateau of Jindřichův Hradec, the State Regional Archive of Třeboň - Jindřichův Hradec Division, and the Zisterzienser Stift Zwettl. 

The exposition is realized as part of the project 'The Jesuits in Jindřichův Hradec', Project number KPF-01-146, whose partner is the Zwettl monastery. 


Jezuité v Jindřichově Hradci
Jezuité v Jindřichově Hradci
Jezuité v Jindřichově Hradci
Jezuité v Jindřichově Hradci
Jezuité v Jindřichově Hradci
Jezuité v Jindřichově Hradci
Otevření expozice Jezuité v Jindřichově Hradci 23. 11. 2018
Otevření expozice Jezuité v Jindřichově Hradci 23. 11. 2018
Otevření expozice Jezuité v Jindřichově Hradci 23. 11. 2018
Otevření expozice Jezuité v Jindřichově Hradci 23. 11. 2018
Otevření expozice Jezuité v Jindřichově Hradci 23. 11. 2018
Otevření expozice Jezuité v Jindřichově Hradci 23. 11. 2018