Opening of the exhibition on 14 December 2019 at 5 pm.
In December 2019, the Museum of Photography and Modern Visual Media opened a unique replica of a photo chamber for the colour process of Karel Neubert, a prominent photographer from the famous Neubert family, a pioneer of color photography in Czechoslovakia and one of its few pioneers in Europe. Father Karel Neubert Sr. was the publisher of the magazine Pestrý týden, Mother Marie, née Sitenská, a painter, came from the Sitenský family of photographers. From 1964 until 2003, when he died, all of the author's colour photographs and slides, which art fans can still admire at exhibitions and in more than 100 pictorial publications around the world, were created in the photo chamber in his house in Dobřichovice.
A replica of the photo chamber, in the construction of which Karel Neubert's son Mgr. Jan Neubert, also an art photographer, consists mainly of authentic equipment donated to the museum. The original concept of the exhibition, which gives the visitor the impression that the photographer has left the divided work for a while, enhances its attractiveness and makes it unique in the world.
The project received financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic in the Cultural Activities program to support professional art projects for 2019.