Power of the Media / The Photographic Portrait
from 24th June, 2012
Since June 2012 the Museum of Photography and Modern Visual Media has been exhibiting the pilot section of the proposed large-scale exhibition "Power of the Media", entitled "The Photographic Portrait." The monumental exhibition, which is a joint project of the Museum of Photography and Modern Visual Media in Jindřichův Hradec and the National Technical Museum in Prague, gradually introduces to the public the history of photographic and audiovisual media in our country from 1839 until the present and outlines the increasing role of photography and audiovisual media in shaping modern society.
The "Photographic Portrait" exhibition presents original photographic devices, equipment and photographs from the collections of the National Technical Museum, as well as photographs from the Scheufler collection, archives and other sources.The exhibition is divided into three semantic units; portrait technique, creation of a portrait and the portrait in society. A number of interactive elements are included which are attractive for visitors.
The authors of the concept, libretto and script of the "Photographic Portrait" are Petr Kliment, Tomáš Petráň, Pavel Scheufler, Thomas Štanzel.
The project will continue with themes such as landscape photography, cinema, radio, television and new media.
Moc médií / Fotografický portrét
Moc médií / Fotografický portrét
Moc médií / Fotografický portrét